Scope: How to add a special one-off theme day/census day/Christmas menu to your Cashless Catering system.
Say for example you currently have a three week rotating menu. Week 1 is Menu 1, Week 2 is Menu 2 and Week 3 is Menu 3. The first blank available menu in your dinner items is Menu 4.
Say the special menu is on a week that would usually be the week 3 menu and this special menu is a change for one day which is the Tuesday.
You would first of all add the special items to Menu 4.
- Go to Admin
- Go to Dinner Items
- In the bottom right hand corner, select the Add button
- A box will pop up which will have all of the item options, you will need to add in the name of the item, how much it costs, when menu it is for (menu 4 in our example), who it is for and the days of the week (Tuesday in our example) it is available on
- When you have filled out the item, Save.
– In the top left-hand corner click on the menu drop down and choose the menu it would usually be that week (Menu 3 in our example) so you can view the normal menu in one place. You would then allocate the usual items for Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to Menu 4 as well as keeping them on menu 3 by:
- Double clicking into the dinner item
- Clicking on the Menu Number drop down box and ticking Menu 4 (this means both Menu 3 and Menu 4 will be selected)
- Save.
To check this, you would then change the Menu filter in the top left of the screen to show menu 4. This will show you all of your usual menu 3 items for Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. But only the Special Item available on Tuesday.
You will need to allocate your new menu to the correct weeks payment:
- Go to the Payments tab
- Click into the dinner week
- Select Menu 4 (or the new menu you have used) in your Catering menu drop down box
- Save.
Press F5 to refresh the system.
Now when you go to Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday for that week you will see the normal week 3 items but when you go to Tuesday, you will see the special menu.
If you experience any difficulty with the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to assist.
You can also see a brief tutorial video demonstrating the above here: