Don’t forget
Keeping your term dates updated is vital to make sure your data is being logged correctly.
Did you know?
Behaviour Radar gets an upgrade!
One of your reporting favourites has had a much-needed lick of paint, as well as a few bells and whistles added too. Countless times we have been told this is ‘not the prettiest report, but it’s very versatile’. Well, now it is pretty, and even more versatile! Here are the highlights of what is included in this update:
- Introduction of left-hand panel – most settings and functions are now housed here for more logical usability.
- Adaptive heatmap grid size – depending on how much data you are displaying, the grid will be smaller or larger, making better use of your screen space
- Automatic highlighting for when you hover over the heatmap
- Letterboxed slips are now supported and included in results (if you are in the letterbox group)
- Different heatmap palettes are available for variety and accessibility
- Addition of a ‘Go’ button to reduce needless additional load times between changing filters.
- In the Filters page, Pupil Premium and EAL are now activated rather than greyed out
- X & Y Axis additions – Current and Effective options for Category, Form, FSM, House, In Care, Pupil Premium, SEN Status and Year Group
- Behaviour Types can also now be displayed on either axis

BehaviourWatch Webinar
We are running monthly live Webinars covering different aspects of BehaviourWatch. Next month, we will be covering Managing Access and Notifications in BehaviourWatch. This 30-minute webinar will look at how users can be created, and how their access to the system can be managed, within BehaviourWatch. We will also dive into the creation and management of automated reports and real-time notifications. This session will include opportunities to ask questions throughout. We will send out a registration link shortly, but you can save the date! – 26th of April, 2pm.
Training Bundles
Did you know we provide training bundles for BehaviourWatch and SchoolPod? The sessions are delivered online and can be completed one-to-one or for groups of people. If your staff members need some training or even a refresher on how to use the system, feel free to contact Roberta for more information. (please add contact details: / 0116 296 0171)
Help Centre:
Please bookmark our support form for future reference so we can assist you as quickly as possible. (Support form link –