SchoolMoney: PayPoint guide

If you have parents who are unable or prefer not to pay online, you may choose to accept PayPoint payments via SchoolMoney as an alternative payment method. Parents will be able to pay by cash in over 28,000 PayPoint outlets and the money will be paid to school along with the rest of the online payments, meaning you will not need to physically handle the cash in school!

For parents to pay via PayPoint, you will need to print them a set of PayPoint vouchers. This is a bolt-on feature to SchoolMoney, so if you do not see the option to print the vouchers, please contact us to discuss adding this to your package.

Parents will be able to pay anywhere they see the PayPoint logo displayed. Commonly in most Supermarkets, Convenience stores, Newsagents, Petrol Stations, etc.

Choosing which Vouchers are Printed

You will first need to select which vouchers are printed. We recommend only selecting the payment categories that you use in your school. This is because having unnecessary vouchers on the page will increase the chances of the wrong one being scanned.

  1. Click into the Admin Tab
  2. Click on Parent Options
  3. Click on Edit (next to Select PayPoint Barcodes that are printed)
  4. Tick or Untick the Payment Categories as appropriate
  5. Press OK

You can come back and amend these settings at any time.

Printing the PayPoint Vouchers

You will need to print out the vouchers for each child whose parent requires them. To do this:

  1. Click into the Admin Tab
  2. Click on Students
  3. Tick the name of the student(s) required
  4. Click on Action: Select in the bottom left corner
  5. Choose Print PayPoint Slips
  6. Press OK
  7. Press Print once you see the print preview appear

The system will print one page per child, with a barcode for each of payment categories chosen in the previous step.

Hand the printout to the parent and inform them they can retain the vouchers to use for the duration of the time their child attends the school.

Additional notes regarding PayPoint:

  • PayPoint transactions will take up to 48 work hours to feed through to the system
  • Please advise the parents to retain the PayPoint Receipt they are given be the shopkeeper
  • As the parent cannot specify which specific item they are paying for, the money will allocate to the item with the earliest due-date.
    • For example, If a parent pays money against the ‘Trips’ barcode, and the child has been added to multiple trips, the money will go to the trip with the earliest due date.
  • There is no direct refund route via PayPoint.  If the parent wanted to be refunded, you would need to manually refund them cash / cheque / direct bank transfer from school.

Finding Paypoint Transactions

Once PayPoint Payments appear in the system, you will see them in your usual reports such as Money Received and Static Banking Reconciliation.

We also have a dedicated PayPoint Report. See here for more information.