- Information on the reports that can be found in the Analysis section, and what they can be used for: Static Banking Reconciliation, Forecast, Shop Stock Report, Missing Details Report, Credit Report, Static Banking Summary.
- Instructions for how to use each report can be found under the relevant heading below.
Static Banking Reconciliation
- This report will help you to reconcile the lump sum payment that you receive into your bank account on a weekly basis.
- For an accurate report of the funds that have been paid into your bank account, please always use this report, not the Banking Reconciliation Report.
- Read our guide on how to use this report: SchoolMoney: Static Banking Reconciliation.
- This report is used for monitoring how much cash flow is likely to come into the school at any given time regardless of the due date.
- It is essentially a Money Overdue report that includes all payments, not just the ones that are past the due date.
- Read our guide on how to use this report: SchoolMoney: Forecast report.
Shop Stock Report
- This report will show you a list of the stock levels of all of your shop items.
- Read our guide on how to use this report: SchoolMoney: Shop Stock Report.
Missing Details Report
- This report lists all pupils who are missing either a mobile number or email address against their record.
- Read our guide on how to use this report: SchoolMoney: Missing Details Report.
Credit Report
- This report shows you a breakdown of any credit that pupils may have on their accounts.
- Read our guide on how to use this report: SchoolMoney: Credit Report.
Static Banking Summary
- This report shows online payments that you have received into your bank account broken down by week.
- Whereas the Static Banking Reconciliation Report shows you a breakdown of the lump sum you received each week, this report allows you to choose two dates of your choice and see a list of the lump sums you have received all on one report.
- Read our guide on how to use this report: SchoolMoney: Static Banking Summary.