SchoolMoney: Create Shop Items


1. Go to the Shop tab from the top.
2. Click the Add button in the bottom right corner.

3. From the Add Shop Item pop-up box that will appear on screen, fill in the following details:

  • Item name – The name of the item you are adding e.g. Jumper Size Small.
  • Account – Select the bank account you wish to receive payments into for this item.
  • Price – Cost of the item.
  • Quantity – Enter the quantity of this item that you have in stock (if you do not keep track of your stock, we recommend entering a high quantity to cover the items that may be paid for). When parents purchase shop items, the quantity automatically adjusts to reflect that purchase.
  • Allow Quantity to be negative – If this is ticked, parents will still be able to make purchases, even when the stock level (Quantity) is passed.
  • Stock Alert Level – Once the stock level reaches this number, you will be sent an email to notify you.
  • Description – Add any extra information as needed. This is for school use only.
  • Available – If this is ticked the parents will be able to see the item. If it is un-ticked, they will not be able to see the item.

4. Once you have entered the details, click Save.