T2P Forms: Send To Options for Teachers2Parents


Steps to choose how the form will be sent. These options are available when creating forms with the following instructions:

Instructions – Parent regarding Student

  1. In Send To, select Parent regarding Student. The default option will send the form to the parents so that they can enter a response regarding their student. If the parent has more than one student, they receive an individual form for each student to complete.


  1. You can tick the option for Send Email and/or Send Text to choose which message types are used to send the form.


    • Click 1st Email Only to choose which priority email addresses the form will send to.


    • Click 1st Mobile Only to choose whether the form will only be sent to the priority mobile number or to both mobile numbers. This option is only available is you are paying to use both numbers in Teachers2Parents. Read our guide for further information: Teachers2Parents: Send to Both Mobile Numbers.


      • Note: If you only have Text or Email, then it will automatically default to whichever messaging route you use.



  1. Tick Can Edit responses to allow the recipients to be able to change the information they enter in the Form up until its Due Date.


  1. Can View responses is ticked by default which allows the recipients to open the form after they have completed it so that they can check their responses. Any parent in that family can see the responses that have been entered regarding that student.


    • Note: If you are using a form to collect personal details, consider that you may need to untick this option to prevent this information being seen by another member of the same family.
  1. Tick Allow more than one submission per recipient to give the recipient the option to submit additional responses.


Instructions – Staff / Other

  1. In Send To, select Staff / Other. This option will send the form to contacts who are ticked as Staff/Other in the Contacts tab.


  1. You can tick the option for Send Email and/or Send Text to choose which message types are used to send the form.


    • Click 1st Email Only to choose which priority email addresses the form will be sent to.


    • Click 1st Mobile Only to choose whether the form will only be sent to the priority mobile number or to both mobile numbers. This option is only available is you are paying to use both numbers in Teachers2Parents. Read our guide for further information: Teachers2Parents: Send to Both Mobile Numbers.


      • Note: If you only have Text or Email, then it will automatically default to whichever messaging route you use.



  1. Tick Can Edit responses to allow the recipient to change the information they enter in the forms up until the Due Date.


  1. Can View responses is ticked by default which allows the recipients to open the form after they have completed it so that they can check their responses.


  1. Tick Allow more than one submission per recipient to give the recipient the option to submit additional responses.


Instructions – Internal Student Data Form

  1. In Send To, select Internal Student Data Form. This option will not send a form to anyone but will instead keep the Form saved in your account so that staff members can record information for the selected contacts.


  1. Once the form is saved, users will be able to access the Results from the Forms homepage. Read our guide for further information: Forms: View Results/Responses.

Instructions – Anonymous/Guests

  1. In Send To, select Anonymous / Guests. This option will not send out a form but will generate a link to an online version that can be added to your school website for viewers to click on and complete.


  1. Tick Prompt for Name to ensure that responders enter a name to help prevent anonymity.


  1. Tick Add “I Am Not a Robot” check to help prevent your form from being spammed.


  1. Tick Prompt for Email to ensure that responders need to provide an email address so that you can contact them afterwards.


  1. Once you have saved the form, the link is generated on the Results page. Copy it onto your website to make the form available for the public.
