Steps to create and edit notices in the Noticeboard section of the Teachers2Parents App for parents to view.
Instructions – Add Notice
- Go to Admin > App Info.
- Under Noticeboard, click Add to open the Add notice window.
- In Subject, enter the notice heading as it will appear in the app.
- In Description, enter the content to provide the full information for the notice.
- For Notice icon, select the icon that best represents what the notice is for.
- Next, click one of the following options:
- Post & Notify: This will add the notice to the app and send a notification to the app users’ phones.
- Post: This will add the notice to the app without sending a notification.
- The Noticeboard will show the active notices, when they were posted, and the date of the latest notification was sent.
- Use Send Notification to send pop-up notifications for a notice at any time.
Instructions – Edit Notice
- Go to Admin > App Info.
- Under Noticeboard, select the notice you intend to change and click Edit.
- This will open the Edit notice window where you can change the subject, description and/or icon.
- Next, click one of the following options:
- Save & Notify to update the notice and send a notification to app users.
- Save to update the notice without sending a notification.
Instructions – Delete Notice
- Go to Admin > App Info.
- Under Noticeboard, select the notice you intend to remove and click Un/Delete > OK.
- To restore a deleted notice, tick Show Deleted to show the deleted notices.
- Select the one you want to restore and click Un/Delete > OK.