Steps to view the schedule for an event.
Go to View Schedule.
The View Schedule tab shows every booking that has been made for all existing events. This will show:
Date: The day, month and year of the booking made.
Time: The time that the slot is booked for.
Teacher Name: The name of the staff member the slot is booked for.
Parent Name: The name of the parent seeing the teacher.
Note: Tick Display Parent Mobile to also show the mobile number used for each parent in a new field.
Student Name: The name of the student the booking is regarding.
Parent Notes: Comments left by the parent for the teacher.
Teacher Notes: Comments left by a user for the teacher. Read our guide for further information: ParentsEvening: Add Teacher Notes.
Use the filters to specify which bookings should show:
Event: The dates used for each event. Each day of an event is listed separately in chronological order.
Form: All bookings made for the selected form.
Year Group: All bookings made for the selected year group.
Teacher: All bookings made for the selected staff member.
Class: All bookings made for the selected class.
Student: All bookings made for the selected student.
Click Email Schedule to send a copy of the schedule to their relevant teachers.
In the confirmation window, click OK.
You will see a window confirming this has been sent, click OK.
Alternatively, Print the schedule or Export it to download an Excel spreadsheet.