BehaviourWatch: User Highlights January

Don’t forget 

Keeping your term dates updated is vital to make sure your data is being logged correctly. 

Did you know? 

2022 Spring Census 

We’re currently working on the 2022 Spring Census on target for an early January release. The Spring Census opens on Thursday 20th January 2022 and closes on Wednesday 16th February 2022. Your Local Authority may have given you a tighter deadline to return your Spring Census to ensure all their checks are done on time, so try to keep to these requirements.  

The Spring Census will be available to be generated from SchoolPod for the entire duration of the return period. If this is your first time completing the Spring Census, we recommend you use the government website to find full information about the data items required to be recorded and returned. 

  • This census will see the first appearance and collection of the currently voluntary module Alternative Provision Placements. These can be recorded in the Student Profile under the new tab AP Placements. 
  • For Education Recovery Funding, Learner Funding and Monitoring (FAM) Hours will be collected for the first time in the Spring 2022 Census. These can be recorded in the Student Profile under the Funding tab. Go to ‘Funding and Monitoring’ and use the ‘Census’ button. 
  • The new Class Activity of RS – Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education can now be added to any relevant classes, as this may need to be returned for some phases of education. To add this to a Class, go to Admin > School Structure > Classes > Edit Class. 
  • The list of ethnicities has been updated for both Students and Staff based on new DfE requirements. For Spring Census 2022 you will be able to record and return ‘WNIR – White Northern Irish’ for the first time. 

If you’re an independent school looking to run the School Level Annual Census (SLASC) with us, this is also in the late stages of testing and due for release in very early January. SLASC opens on Thursday 20th January 2022 and closes on Sunday 20th February 2022. 

There will be a Q&A session about the Spring Census on the 25th of January at 2:00 pm. We will soon be sending out more details on how to participate. 

Keeping track on COVID-19 

Did you know you can keep track of which students have been tested for Coronavirus, and the outcomes? We’ve created a customisable form that could be used in your school to record COVID-19 symptoms and test results, including the ability to notify parents/guardians via email or text should you need to complete tests in schools moving forward. Also, you can attach an image of the test result if children are tested outside of school. You can learn a little more about it here

This report allows your school to quickly identify the number of positive and negative results logged for COVID-19 and you can also clearly view the number of tests per month.  

You can use SchoolPod/BehaviourWatch system to notify parents/guardians/social workers about any preparations you are making. Our Letters tool may be able to assist you with creating a custom mail merge. This will be able to pull student-specific information from your system when generated. 

If you would like to use our Letters, or anything else, please feel free to get in touch with your usual support team members by clicking here.  

Real-Time Notifications   

Real-Time Notifications are a great way to keep staff members up to date on behaviour events within the school. These can, for example, be set to notify staff when a particular slip has been recorded on the system and can be made specific to the recipient by filtering on a ‘Form’ or ‘Year Group’ as required.   

When you enter the Real-Time Notifications setup area, you will be presented with a list view of your existing notifications which you are able to also edit or remove as required.    

Using the ‘Add’ button in the bottom right of the page will allow you to add additional notifications. This will just require selecting the ‘Staff Member’ name, and you can then use the ‘Filter’ button in the bottom left to select the criteria which must be met in order for the notification to be sent to staff.   
Details of the above can also be found within our ‘Help Centre’ which is located in the top right corner of your system.  

Training Bundles 

Did you know we provide training bundles for BehaviourWatch and SchoolPod? The sessions are delivered online and can be completed one-to-one or for groups of people. If your staff members need some training or even a refresher on how to use the system, feel free to contact Roberta for more information; email her at or call 0116 296 0171.

Help Centre: 

It may take our support teams a little longer than usual to get back to you in January. Please bookmark our support form for future reference so we can assist you as quickly as possible.