SchoolMoney: Archive a Payment

Steps on how to archive payments so that payments are kept organised and relevant. Archiving payments will hide them from the payments list.

1. To archive an individual payment, visit the Payments tab and click on the payment you wish to archive once – it will then highlight in grey.
2. In the bottom left corner, select the Action drop down menu.
Click the Archive / Unarchive option.

  • A box will pop up asking you to confirm, press OK 
  • Your payment has now been archived
4. To archive all eligible payments (payments past their due date), visit the Payments tab and click the green Archive All button from the bottom left corner.
A box will pop up asking you to confirm that you wish to archive all eligible payments > click OK.
6. A second box will pop up to let you know how many payments have been archived.
7. To access payments you have previously archived, tick
the Show Archived Payments checkbox in the bottom left corner of the Payments Tab.