Teachers2Parents: Updating Staff Contacts

If you are using Xporter to update Teachers2Parents then any staff members with work email addresses will automatically be imported into Teachers2Parents. There is a tickbox to turn this option on or off in Admin > Xporter Setup.

If you aren’t using Xporter you can follow the steps below to manually add staff in the event that you need to text or email them as well as parents.

How do I add new staff contacts to Teachers2Parents?

  1. In Teachers2Parents, click the Admin icon
  2. Select the Contacts tab
  3. Click Add
  4. Enter the first name & surname in the Name field
  5. Select Staff / Other
  6. In the 1st Mobile field, enter the mobile number after +44, ensuring to omit the leading zero and any spaces
  7. In the 1st Email field, enter the email address (optional)
  8. Tick Staff in the Group list
  9. Click Save

How do I delete old staff members who have left the school?

In the Contacts tab in Admin, you just need to tick the checkbox for any staff members you wish to remove and then click Delete in the bottom right corner.