Scope: What to do if parents say they are not able to book onto your clubs
- Ensure the parent is not trying to book after midnight before the session
- If you have set a place limit, check the Club Register for that date, to ensure there are still places available
- Click into the Payments tab and ensure the Club week has been added, and is showing online
- If the week will not add, ensure it has not accidentally been archived. If it has un-archive it
- Double click into the Club Week and ensure the student(s) have been added to the payment
- Check the W/C Date showing in the Reference Box matches the ‘Club Start Date‘ next to it.
If this is incorrect, the reference box has accidentally been accidentally edited. Change the Reference back to match the ‘Club Start Date‘ and save the payment. Then add the missing week again, using these steps.
- Click on the Settings button
- Ensure Offline Only is NOT ticked
- Ensure Online Session booking IS ticked
- (Optionally) Ensure Enable Reservations is ticked, if you wish to allow parents to book without paying upfront
- Press Save
- Save the payment again in the bottom right corner
- Check the same settings on your other weekly club payments, as an incorrect setting may have copied forward to future weeks.
Once you have carried out the above, please contact the parent(s) again and ask that they try booking the clubs again.
If there are any further issues please contact product support.