Scope: Viewing you Free School Meal Data using the Free School Meals Report Instructions: Cli...
Scope: Using the Dinner Money Weekly Report for your dinner figures Instructions: There are ...
Scope: Obtaining your Dinner Figures using the Catering Report Instructions: This report is onl...
Scope: Using the Dinner Arrears Report to view and Chase your Dinner Arrears Instructions: Cl...
Scope: Messaging Additional Parents through SchoolMoney Instructions: If you have added ‘Ad...
Scope: Importing new dinner menus using our CSV template. If you do not have a copy of the s...
Linking siblings together in SchoolMoney make things easy for you as a school, and for your parents...
The SIMS attendance import allows you to run a daily report to fill in your SchoolMoney dinner regi...
If you have parents who are unable or prefer not to pay online, you may choose to accept PayPoint p...
Removing Leavers: If you are set up with a MIS data sync, student leavers should off-roll au...