Teachers2Parents: Check Missing or Invalid Email Addresses


Steps to check which contacts have a missing or invalid email addresses.


  1. Go to Reports > Missing/Invalid Email.

  2. The Missing/Invalid Email tab shows every contact who does not have an email address at all or an email address without the @ symbol, a domain or a valid ending (.com/.co.uk). This will show:

    • Name: The name of the contact.

    • Year Group: The year group of the contact.

    • Form: The form of the contact.

    • Invalid/Missing: Whether their email address is missing or invalid.

    • Email: Which email address(es) is missing or invalid.

    • Email Address: The invalid email address.

  3. Use Filters to specify which Missing/Invalid Emails should show:

    • Contact: Specific contacts with missing/invalid emails.

    • Year Group: All contacts in the selected year group(s) with missing/invalid emails.

    • Form: All contacts in the selected form(s) with missing/invalid emails.

    • Show contacts where email are: Missing emails only, Invalid only, or any contacts with Missing or Invalid emails.

    • Invalid Email:  Contacts with the 1st Email, 2nd Email, 3rd Email and/or 4th Email missing/invalid.