Teachers2Parents: Check Missing or Invalid Mobile Numbers


Steps to check which contacts have a missing or invalid mobile number.


  1. Go to Reports > Missing/Invalid Numbers.
  2. The Missing/Invalid Numbers tab is a record of the contacts who do not have a mobile number or have one missing too numbers to be valid. This will show:
    • Name: The name of the contact.
    • Year Group: The year of the contact.
    • Form: The form of the contact.
    • 1st Mobile/2nd Mobile: The mobile number field that is empty or has an invalid number.
  3. Use theĀ Filter to Show contacts where:
    • 1st Mobile is Missing/Invalid: The first mobile number is not saved or too short to be valid.
    • 2nd Mobile is Missing/Invalid: The second mobile number is not saved or too short to be valid.